Applause – Experiencing Urban SpaceDenise Ziegler, article in the electronical journal Research in Art Education 1/2020, Special Issue: Research in Art and Experience

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link to the issue1/2020


This text investigates how and why artistic research can be understood as experiential research. Bodily experience, perception, imagination, physical artis- tic practice and writing are described as the tools of artist researchers working with experiences. The artist researcher extends her workspace into urban space in order to ask what it means to experience urban space. What is the impact that urban space can have on its users and vice versa? Artistic research offers distinctive ways to analyse the experience of urban space as a social setting. A significant audio-visual experience in urban space evokes reveries in the form of a fictional event in which the coexistence of man-made structures and elements of nature are essential. Interventional art works serve as test setups to restage this fictional event into a series of artworks. Thereby, knowledge is gathered of the experience of the self as an urban situation.


Experiential research, artistic research practice, bodily experience, imagination, interventional art, experience in urban space