A City Never Lies – Situational irony and the political impact of public urban space

Ruukku – studies in artistic research -journal. issue 6, 2016, http://ruukku-journal.fi/fi/issues/6

Link to the article: https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/276211/276212


In this text, I question the concepts of urban space and public art. Experimental artistic interventions are conducted using situational irony as a method for reflecting on the impact urban public space and its user can have. Instead of interrogating people and involving them in the process, the interventions put questions directly to public infrastructure, to walls, fences, buildings and pedestrian ways. In a post-Beuysian vein, an artist workshop is extended to public space in order to work with its mechanisms and possibilities. This is considered a political act. The research aims to contribute to the redefinition of concepts regarding how we look at and develop public urban space.